Berlin: Solidarity with the five anarchists arrested in Barcelona

On November 24th, several compañerxs unfolded a banner from the top of the Berlin Cathedral, which read “Solidarity with the 5 anarch@s from Barcelona – Freedom for all” referring to Gerardo, Rocío, Valeria, Mónica and Francisco, who were arrested in Barcelona on November 13th, 2013. The comrades are accused under anti-terror law of an attack on a fascist church monument, the Basilica del Pilar in Zaragoza, Spain. A German summary from this text was also distributed as flyer during the action.

Here are the current prison addresses to contact Mónica and Francisco, who are held in pretrial detention at prisons in Madrid. Both are held under the FIES regime, so all letters sent to (and from) them are checked by prison staff. Write to the comrades to break isolation!