Greece: Text of imprisoned anarchist Panagiotis Argirou

As has been known, in the first days of January 2013, I suffered a serious head injury after an accident. What followed were two successive head surgeries and a three-month stay in various hospitals. Of course, for some time now, I have escaped danger and I’m on the mend, awaiting a final restoration surgery on the skull. Now I am back among my comrades and my brothers and sister of the CCF, which in itself makes me feel better.

I gradually get some insight into the interest expressed during my hospitalization, and I feel the need to thank all those who stood by me in various different ways, from donating blood (which was much needed), to fundraising for covering medical expenses.

I have a special place in my heart, however, for the comrades of the International Conspiracy for Revenge-FAI/IRF who burned a private vehicle in Indonesia, and for the compas of the Insurrectionary Anti-authoritarian Cell-FAI/FRI who targeted with incendiary devices the building of the Chile’s national association of penitentiary functionaries and previously attacked facilities belonging to the Chilean Gendarmerie, because of the great honour they have done me by giving my name in the direct action cells that claimed responsibility for these anarchist attacks against domination. Brothers and sisters, you should know you’re in my thoughts and that these actions have moved me deeply. May the fire of Insurgence and Anarchy always keep your hearts warm, and your hands armed against the enemies of freedom.

Finally, I would like to thank all those direct action groups in Greece and abroad who were interested in my condition and wished me a good recovery.

I am happy to see that all this time the project of FAI/IRF remains dynamic and active. I’d like to hope that, in the future, its intensity will grow enormously, and its diffusion will cause fear among the rulers globally.


Panagiotis Argirou
Member of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire

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