Spanish prisons: Update on Noelia Cotelo Riveiro, 25.4.2013

Noelia is currently in the Albolote prison (Granada), after spending a couple of days in the Soto del Real prison (Madrid).

Officials of the prison institution did not know how to do their job or they simply did not care once again, because a television set went missing during Noelia’s transfer. We remind that Noelia just as all prisoners classified under the 91.3 regime spend 21 hours a day in a prison cell.

We also denounce the fact that she was not allowed to have a friend visit her during her stay in the Soto del Real prison; a complaint was filed in the courts on duty on these grounds.

Her personal situation has improved in the Albolote prison, because at least now she is sharing a corridor with other prisoners with whom she can talk. She is also allowed access to the gym, and it is expected that she will be able to participate in activities of the isolation wing.

Our efforts are currently focused on ensuring visitations from her friends and relatives, and on initiating an individualized treatment to help her overcome the traumas caused in the Brieva prison. We are also seeking an eventual application of grade progression as well as her prison transfer to Galicia.

Her new address:
Noelia Cotelo Riveiro
CP Albolote, Isolation wing, Ctra. Comarcal 220, Km.6, 18220 Albolote, Granada, España/Spain


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