Athens: Update on the health condition of CCF member Panagiotis Argirou

On Monday, March 11th, anarchist comrade and Conspiracy of Cells of Fire member Panagiotis Argirou was transferred from the general hospital of Nikaia back to Koridallos prison’s hospital. His transfer was made after the state of his health was much improved.

Panagiotis has now fully recovered from his serious injury and talked with his comrades on the phone. He will remain in the hospital of Koridallos prison until several mobility problems are restored, that were caused due to his two-month hospitalization and the length of time he was under sedative medication. For now, he is recovering and ‘shares’ the same cell with his friend Spyros Dravilas, who is also recovering there after his successful hunger strike.

We know we haven’t provided updates on the health condition of Panagiotis for a long time, but this was not done by chance: each time we released positive news on the comrade’s health, the anti-terrorist force and the external armed guards that had undertaken his custody pressured the hospital staff to permit Panagiotis’ immediate transfer to the prison for ‘security reasons’ (his file bore the indication ‘Dangerous to escape’).

A big thank you to all the comrades and friends who were interested in Panagiotis, who sent letters, donated blood, and supported the R.O. Conspiracy of Cells of Fire. Finally, a flaming hug to the brothers and sisters of the Argirou Cell/International Conspiracy for Revenge/FRI-FAI from Indonesia, as well as the Panagiotis Argirou insurrectionary anti-authoritarian cell/FAI-FRI from Chile, who made solidarity among anarchists praxis through their incendiary attacks.

Solidarians with the R.O. CCF

Indonesian translation here