Madrid: Responsibility claim for the placement of an explosive device at Almudena Cathedral

The house of god fucked up in Madrid
(Thursday, February 7th, 13.00pm)

We have demonstrated that your sanctified dens are vulnerable. The foundations of your Power have trembled by the kilos of our sacrilegious gunpowder, seeking a breach of your civic peace that has been based upon killings and persons locked up for years in the slammer. This is revenge. We have overcome the barrier of fear.

The target of the explosive attack is clear; to strike the Bourbon monarchy in their sacred sites. All their majestuosity is the fruit of oppression, and we, the oppressed, will end with it through insurrectional revolutionary violence. We won’t fall into the trap of waiting to be given the historical conditions. We believe that the conditions are propitious for attack as long as State, Capital and especially a rotten fascist royal family exist. We are determined. We do not wait. We act.

We do not hold the mistaken idea that we will achieve the destruction of all that oppresses us solely through actions such as this one. We are not fooling ourselves. We are not granting ourselves self-complacency. This is propaganda by the deed, which has existed for more than a century among the seditious and conspirators against Power. It is an appeal to war without limits using all our imagination and energy to end with this rotten world.

Fire to the slammer!
Long live Anarchy!

Insurrectionalist Commando Mateo Morral